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Are your labels part of your business, or a lost opportunity?

Future of labels print is colourful and we are here to help you get the most of it.

The self-adhesive labels on your product may have different functions. Nevertheless, unless you put them on the packaging only for administrative reasons, their design matters a lot. So how can they help boost your business?

Does their design leverage basic and most common patterns of human behaviour? One of the rules indeed is that packaging “looks matter”. Consider the shortening attention span of today’s customers overwhelmed by ever-growing flow of information. Plus, the everlasting power of first impression is one to go by too. Are your labels making most of their potential of communicating to your customers?

How do you decide while making a purchase?

You see the visual of a product. You read the content on packaging of whatever you are about to toss in to your shopping cart. Be it a real one in a shop, or a virtual one in ever-more often used e-shop. If it’s your regular choice of product, do you notice a new design? An even slightly changed picture, or the writing may trigger your attention and make the purchase more conscious. You are somehow getting something new with your usual purchase, something extra. Of course, if you don’t know a product you are deciding to buy, you do base your decision on the look of it and packaging appeal. Especially if you may not have been targeted by levels of different marketing of that particular product.

All of this is to be considered when you are ordering your labels with your designer and printing house too. Together they can challenge design of your labels and make changes that play along these basic rules of packaging for business success. Have you heard of the latest trends in the area?

How can changes in a label boost the sales?

Do you remember the personalised edition of Coca Cola labels? You could find your own name, or a quote from your favourite song on the bottles. Suddenly you may have been deciding for a particular bottle because it had the right name or a song reference for you, or for someone you knew. Similar strategy has been used by many brands already (lately I have purchased several packages of chewing gum with my name on it, just to be sure it’s less probable my family members would confiscate them so easily as usual). A similar play on emotions works as well with using “retro packaging“ as you may know from your local Lidl or similarly designed packaging with a message of emotions for the customer.

What changes can be used?


Think about the design of your labels – can they be printed as personalised collections? Is it even possible to target your product on different groups of customers with a specific interest, common name, hobby or a specific occasion? You can choose to have bulks of specific messages accompanying your usual design as sub-version (similar to the names or song themes by Coca Cola). Or your label can have space for a company name for their purchase, or a specific event serving, even for small number prints for occasions like a wedding. Or you could alternate labels with design changes according to specific season of year, be it Christmas or Eastern, similarly summer and autumn season or even new year wishes design changes may spark joy and interest with existing or new customers.

In addition, editions targeted on a specific audience may trigger reasons for purchase of collections with specific limited content. Different alternatives of personalisation are being used by brands around the world, just get the right inspiration for your product.

Change the material

Among trends in area of personalisation are alternative materials playing significant part. Mainly those that reduce waste and target customers concerned about their carbon footprint. Maybe this could go along your business vision and simple change in label will stress that!

Use alternative printing techniques

When targeting on exclusive customers you may get advantage by using specific printing techniques such as “secret” UV-chrome print visible only under black light, luminescent colours or even thermochromic prints that change shade under different temperature!

Point is to find the right ways of addressing different potential customers for your product. Our variety of print machines and experience enables you to combine different print technologies for printing several designs with similar format, as well as allow you additional print on base labels. Options vary and you shouldn’t limit yourself to the usual small series of “gift” labels or labels for competitions related to complex campaigns. Future of labels print is colourful and we are here to help you get the most of it.

Discuss options with our colleagues and find the right combination for you.

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