What we do

How we started to print labels

Video interview with Mr. Štefan Kilársky, the founder of company Purgina. Covers the beginnings of our company and its transformation into the current form. Produced by HN daily.

By Matej Duman, video-editor HNonline.sk

English subtitles available.

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Can digital printing benefit your labels as well?

We have welcomed our first digital printing press last August 2020. Have you had the chance to get to know our new Epson Surepress already? Maybe it’s about time to discuss your projects with our sales representatives – especially the kind of labels that require parameters such as small volume, high complexity of execution and possibly variable data.

Matching colours for your label are our pride

Salmon – coral – peach may be code words for colours not everyone understands. And that’s not a problem with us either. Our colleagues take your orders for accurate colour shade very seriously and hold the Pantone matching system accountable for the match instead of often confusing word plays and lofty referrals. To provide printing services with consistent colour outcome is a bit of “science“ though. Especially with changes in base materials and print techniques. How come?

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